About Us

Fiji Bureau of Statistics (FBoS) aims to provide reliable, timely and relevant statistics through a strategy geared towards greater engagement with the providers and users of data. We work on producing statistics that are easily understood and useful to a wide range of users. Improved access by having more data available on our website, will lead to greater usage and appreciation of statistics. The demand for detail grows with the increasing complexity of Fiji’s economic transactions. With evidence based planning now a requirement for our development partners, we as the organization providing the evidence will continue to face major challenges. The cooperation of all our stakeholders will ensure that we continue to improve on our service delivery.

FIBOS Mandate

As the National Statistical Agency, it is the FIBOS’ mandate [as governed by the pdfStatistics Act and the pdfCensus Act: [Chapters 71 & 72] to

  • Collect, compile, analyse, abstract and publish statistical information relating to the economic and general activities and conditions of the people of Fiji
  • Collaborate with government departments and other agencies in the collection, compilation, analysis and publication of statistical records of administration
  • Organise a coordinated scheme of social and economic statistics relating to Fiji
  • Conduct a census of the population of Fiji as required according to the Census Act [Cap.72], Section 3[1]

In undertaking these activities, the Bureau will:

  • Adhere to the principles of good governance and provide greater public accountability and transparency in all its activities
  • Respect the multicultural nature of Fiji society.

Vision, Mission and Values

Vision – An Efficient, Progressive and Respectable Statistics office in the Region

Mission – Providing High Quality, Objective and Responsive Statistical Services

Values – The Department Adheres to the Principles of Professionalism, Integrity and Cooperation