Census of Population and Housing

A number of adhoc surveys and censuses have been conducted by the Bureau. The major censuses include Population and Housing and Agriculture. These are conducted every ten years. The latest census of population and housing was conducted in 2017.

Surveys on the other hand are of various types and are conducted more regularly depending on resources availability. The Preliminary results of the Employment and Unemployment Survey [EUS] 2015-2016 has been released.

While a number of different types of reports have been produced by the Bureau from these undertakings, only basic table of results are presented in this website. Complete and more detailed reports based on the results of these undertakings can be obtained from the Bureau.

Population Census 2017

Population Census 2007

Population Census 2017


Click on the images below to access the dashboards.

Population Census 2017

Housing Census 2017

Maritime Islands Census 2017

Population Census 2007


Download the Census reports below: